HyperDic: spiri

English Index > 48 words start with SPIRI:

spirilla | Spirillaceae | spirillum | spirillum fever | Spirillum minus | spirit | spirit away | spirit gum | spirit lamp | spirit level | spirit of turpentine | spirit off | spirit rapper | spirit rapping | spirit stove | spirit up | spirit world | spirited | spiritedly | spiritedness | spiritise | spiritism | spiritize | spiritless | spiritlessness | spiritous | spirits | spirits of ammonia | spirits of wine | spiritual | spiritual being | spiritual bouquet | spiritual domain | Spiritual Jewel | spiritual leader | spiritual rebirth | spiritual world | spiritualisation | spiritualise | spiritualism | spiritualist | spiritualistic | spirituality | spiritualization | spiritualize | spiritually | spiritualty | spirituous

There are 147478 English words in this edition of the HyperDic 3.1 online hyper-dictionary.

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