HyperDic: milli

English Index > 39 words start with MILLI:

milliammeter | milliampere | milliard | millibar | millicurie | millidegree | milliequivalent | millifarad | milligram | millihenry | Millikan | milliliter | millilitre | millime | millimeter | millimeter of mercury | millimetre | millimicron | milline | milliner | millinery | milling | milling machine | milling machinery | million | million floating point operations per second | million instructions per second | millionaire | millionairess | millionfold | millionth | milliped | millipede | milliradian | millirem | millisecond | millivolt | millivoltmeter | milliwatt

There are 147478 English words in this edition of the HyperDic 3.1 online hyper-dictionary.

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