HyperDic: ordenar

Català > 10 sentits de la paraula ordenar:
VERBsocialordenar, normar, regir, regularitzar, regularbring into conformity with rules or principles / principles or usage
socialordenar, articular, coordinar, organitzarcause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea
cognitionordenar, classificar-se, classificar, graduar, taxar, valorarassign a rank or rating to
communicationordenar, declarar, manar, sentenciargive instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority
socialordenarappoint to a clerical posts
cognitionordenar, arreglar, col·locar, organitzar, posararrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events
changeordenarbring order to or into
socialordenarinvest with ministerial or priestly authority
communicationordenarissue an order
changeordenarplace in a certain order
Català > ordenar: 10 sentits > verb 1, social
SentitBring into conformity with rules or principles / principles or usage; impose regulations.
Sinònimsnormar, regir, regularitzar, regular
Específicestandarditzar, normalitzarCause to conform to standard or norm
Generaldecidir, determinar, prendre una decisióreach, make, or come to a decision about something
Anglèsregulate, regularize, regularise, order, govern
Espanyolnormar, regir, regularizar, regular
Nomsnorma, regla, regulacióA principle or condition that customarily governs behavior
ordreEstablished customary state (especially of society)
regulacióThe act of controlling or directing / directing according to rule
reguladorAn official responsible for control and supervision of a particular activity or area of public interest
Català > ordenar: 10 sentits > verb 2, social
SentitCause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea.
Sinònimsarticular, coordinar, organitzar
Específicarreglar, col·locar, ordenar, organitzar, posarArrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events
col·lectivitzarBring under collective control
reorganitzarorganize anew
Generalabordar, emprar, encarar, gestionar, manejar, ocupar, regentar, tractar, tramitarBe in charge of, act on, or dispose of
ContraridesorganitzarRemove the organization from
Anglèsorganize, organise
Espanyolarticular, coordinar, organizar
Nomsadministració, gerència, organitzacióThe persons (or committees or departments etc.) who make up a body for the purpose of administering something
constitució, establiment, formació, fundacióThe act of forming or establishing something
direcció, organitzacióThe act of organizing a business or an activity related to a business
organitzacióThe activity or result of distributing or disposing persons or things properly or methodically
Català > ordenar: 10 sentits > verb 3, cognition
SentitAssign a rank or rating to.
Sinònimsclassificar-se, classificar, graduar, taxar, valorar
EspecíficascendirRate higher
degradarRate lower
donar prioritat, prioritzarAssign a priority to
preseleccionarDistribute (players or teams) so that outstanding teams or players will not meet in the early rounds
preseleccionarput someone or something on a short list
reordenarAssign a new order to
seqüenciarArrange in a sequence
subordinarrank or order as less important or consider of less value
Generalavaluar, jutjar, opinar, pensarform a critical opinion of
Anglèsrate, rank, range, order, grade, place
Espanyolclasificarse, clasificar, graduar, ordenar, tasar, valorar
Nomscategoria, jerarquia, rangrelative status
examinadorA judge who assigns grades / grades to something
gradació, graduacióThe act of arranging in grades
gradaciórelative position in a graded series
graduacióThe act of arranging in a graduated series
grauA relative position or degree of value in a graded group
nota, puntuació, qualificacióA number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance)
ordenacióThe act of putting things in a sequential arrangement
Català > ordenar: 10 sentits > verb 4, communication
SentitGive instructions to or direct somebody to do something with authority.
Sinònimsdeclarar, manar, sentenciar
Específicavisarask to go away
comandar, requerirmake someone do something
instruirGive instructions or directions for some task
requerir, ser requeritOrder, request, or command to come
Generaldemanarask (a person) to do something
Anglèsorder, tell, enjoin, say
Espanyoldecir, declarar, encargar, imponer, indicar, mandar, ordenar, sentenciar
Nomsacte, decret, sentènciaA legally binding command or decision entered on the court record (as if issued by a court or judge)
injuncióA formal command or admonition
ordre(often plural) a command given by a superior (e.g., a military or law enforcement officer) that must be obeyed
Català > ordenar: 10 sentits > verb 5, social
Sentitappoint to a clerical posts.
GeneralinvertirProvide with power and authority
Anglèsordain, consecrate, ordinate, order
Espanyolconsagrar, ordenar
Nomsassociació, club, fraternitat, gremi, societatA formal association of people with similar interests
consagració, sacralització(religion) sanctification of something by setting it apart (usually with religious rites) as dedicated to God
ordenacióThe act of ordaining
Català > ordenar: 10 sentits > verb 6, cognition
SentitArrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events.
Sinònimsarreglar, col·locar, organitzar, posar
Generalarticular, coordinar, ordenar, organitzarCause to be structured or ordered or operating according to some principle or idea
Anglèsarrange, set up, put, order
Espanyolarreglar, ordenar, organizar, poner
Nomsordenació, ordrelogical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements
Català > ordenar: 10 sentits > verb 7, change
SentitBring order to or into.
Específicagençar, arranjar, arreglar, endreçar, netejarput (things or places) in order
desembrollar, desembullar, desenredar-se, desenredarextricate from entanglement
reunirTo assemble in proper sequence
sistematitzarArrange according to a system or reduce to a system
Generalagençar, arranjar, arreglar, col·locar, disposar, organitzar, planificarput into a proper or systematic order
ContraridesordenarBring disorder to
NomsordenacióThe act of putting things in a sequential arrangement
ordenació, ordrelogical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements
Català > ordenar: 10 sentits > verb 8, social
Sentitinvest with ministerial or priestly authority.
GeneralinvertirProvide with power and authority
NomsordenacióThe act of ordaining
Català > ordenar: 10 sentits > verb 9, communication
Sentitissue an order.
EspecíficdesignarDecree or designate beforehand
Generaldecretarissue a decree
Català > ordenar: 10 sentits > verb 10, change
Sentitplace in a certain order.
Generalagençar, arranjar, arreglar, col·locar, disposar, organitzar, planificarput into a proper or systematic order
NomsordenacióThe act of putting things in a sequential arrangement
ordenació, ordrelogical or comprehensible arrangement of separate elements

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