HyperDic: dicromatisme

Català > 1 sentit de la paraula dicromatisme:
NOMstatedicromatisme, dichromatopsia, dichromia, tritanòpsiaa deficiency of color vision in which the person can match any given hue by mixing only two other wavelengths of light (as opposed to the three wavelengths needed by people with normal color vision)
Català > dicromatisme: 1 sentit > nom 1, state
SentitA deficiency of color vision in which the person can match any given hue by mixing only two other wavelengths of light (as opposed to the three wavelengths needed by people with normal color vision).
Sinònimsdichromatopsia, dichromia, tritanòpsia
Generalacromatòpsia, daltonismegenetic inability to distinguish differences in hue
Anglèsdichromacy, dichromatism, dichromatopsia, dichromia, dichromasy
Espanyoldichromatopsia, dichromia, dicromatismo

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